
As senior editor of “iSupportSmallBusiness.com” I am committed to the small businesses here in America.  All too often I find myself at a big box store purchasing the things I need from a snow shovel (Yeah, I live in the midwest with the nasty cold winters) or filling up a cart with groceries.  It takes a conscious effort to get out of my patterns of buying to take a different route and drop by the local hardware store to pick up the snow shovel.  Added benefit of supporting the local hardware store is the owner or the guy selling you the shovel has purchased the same one and shovels his own drive way with it.  You can bet there is a much better chance of them not selling a certain shovel if it is inferior.

When I shop at the local hardware store I feel like they are doing me a favor by providing exceptional service along with the home town feel not to mention they are probably sponsoring one of my kids baseball team unlike the big box store.

I encourage each of you to interrupt your buying patterns and make a conscious effort to support your local businesses, keep your dollars local.

We want to hear stories of how you support your local businesses.

Jeremy Bush


-Written from my local coffee shop, not a national chain.

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